EA Sports just dropped the first official details for FIFA 21’s arrival on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X – and they’re promising to take full advantage of the visual power offered up on next gen consoles.
The sights and sounds of FIFA 21 have been totally reimagined, with the brand new EA Sports GameCam inspired by the look and feel of elite-level sports broadcasting. Players will look better than ever before with more defined physiques, muscle flexes, and hair created strand-by-strand on the world’s best players.
New cinematics also include team buses arriving prior to kick-off and fans entering through the turnstiles. During games, players will show more emotion and interaction than ever before including wild celebrations for last-minute winners, adjusting shin pads at set pieces, and screaming for passes.
For PS5 players, EA Sports also say the haptic technology used by the DualSense controller will allow players to feel the impact of shots, passes, and tackles to feel connected to the pitch like never before.
Another crazy feature will see players have their first opportunity to experience the future of FIFA gameplay with blazing fast load times that allow them to get in the game quicker than ever before. From Kick-Off to Career Mode, players will never lose focus on the upcoming match as stadium environments will load with unprecedented speed, letting them get to the start of matches in seconds.
These new additions are sure to make the playing experience as close to real life as possible and take the gaming experience to levels unseen before. FIFA 21 drops on next gen consoles on December 4th.