20 Questions With: Ella Toone


Hot takes with Tooney.

May 31, 2024
Amie Cripps
Words by
Photography by

Introducing VERSUS 20 Questions With... A new interview format asking everyone's favourite players the questions we all desperately want answers to. Kendrick or Drake? F50s or T90s? Have they seen the latest MAFS? What do they think about Shai's latest Tunnel Fit? Where we dropping tonight? It's your favourite players and their take on the culture we live in, right now.

We kicked off the series with Lauren James, so it was only right we followed up with another Lioness and goalscoring clinician, Ella Toone.

The England and Manchester United midfielder ended 23/24 as an FA Cup winner as well as being named the Reds' Player of the Season. It's hard to think of United and not have Tooney come to mind. The lifelong supporter is living out millions of fans' dreams by stepping out onto hallowed ground and scoring screamers at Old Trafford. But like everyone else, Tooney's dream started by kicking a ball at every opportunity she got, which is why Pepsi Max's Hidden Pitches Tour is so important to the UEFA Women's European Champion.

We spoke to Tooney about life lessons, why Ibiza will always be her holiday destination of choice, her wardrobe staples and how Pepsi MAX's Hidden Pitches Tour is encouraging anyone and everyone to pick up a ball.

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VERSUS: What’s the best city in the world?

Ella Toone: Manchester, obviously. 

What’s your favourite piece in your wardrobe atm?

Ooo, at the minute? I mean, the weather isn’t picking up right now but because we’re getting closer to summer, I’m going to go with what I’m wearing today: SACAI x Nike Vaporwaffle in white. 

Yeah, you can’t be wearing those in the winter. 

I do actually wear them all year to be honest! But they definitely look better in the summer. 

What is the Pepsi MAX Hidden Pitches Tour?

It’s about bringing football to unexpected locations, including my hometown in Manchester. The pop-up pitches really brings to life Pepsi’s ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s A Way’ mantra. So long as you’ve got the desire to play, then football can be played anywhere, by anyone. 

The Hidden Pitches Tour is removing barriers to access and encouraging all fans to kick a ball.

Who’s your best friend in football?

My best friend in football has to be Alessia Russo. 

Thought you might have surprised us and said someone else…

No way, I can’t be doing that to Less. 

Favourite stadium to play in.

Can I say two?

Go for it.

Wembley and Old Trafford. 

What song gets you hyped before KO?

At the minute, I’m going to go with George Michael, ‘I Knew You Were Waiting’. Do you know that one?

“I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for meeee!”

That’s the one!

What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

Check my alarm about five times because it panics me thinking that I’ve not set it, when I know that I have…

Have you got a fear of being late?

100%! BIG fear of being late. BIG fear of missing my alarm. 

Favourite video game.

Mmm I don’t really play video games so can I say a board game? 


I’m gonna go with ‘Partners’. 

What’s that?

Oh! Usually, me and Less are partners and we play it with two other people. It’s a bit like ‘Frustration’ - you’ve to work together to get around the board the quickest. 

What is your biggest interest outside of football?

Eating. I love to eat, especially really good food. 

Where’s your favourite place to eat?

There’s an Italian restaurant near me called Casa Nostra. It’s really small and cooks authentic Italian food - it’s gorgeous. 

What’s your order?

Depends what mood I’m in, and this isn’t really Italian haha but medium rare steak, usually with Diane sauce and chips. Done. 

What are you most grateful for?

My family. 

Biggest life lesson.

That’s a hard one but I’ve got a few. I think, maybe my biggest one is: always believe in yourself. 

Favourite dish. 

I love pasta dishes. A creamy and tomatoey pasta of some sort. 

Best holiday or trip. 

Ibiza. What a place that is. 

You’ve been going to Ibiza for years haven’t you? 

I used to go with my nan and grandad every year for two weeks, but those trips were never like the ones I went on last year.

Say no more… 

Say no more. 

What song are you listening to on repeat at the minute?

‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ is a song I play a lot. Like, A LOT. 

What TV show are you locked into?

I just finished that ‘Baby Reindeer’...mad. I absolutely LOVE ‘The 1% Club’ on a Saturday night. I’m really good at it! I might go out on the 90% questions, but I get the final question right…that’s what counts surely? 

Football idol growing up. 


What is your pre-match ritual?

I’ve tried to get rid of loads of things because it was just getting ridiculous. I wear the same underwear, I eat the same pre-match meal: bagels, eggs and a glass of orange juice - no bits. 

No bits?

No bits! And before the whistle blows I shout, “c’mon girls! Straight in!” I do that every single time. It used to be a lot more than that, I used to sing a Yanited chant in the morning too, but that’s when I knew it got too far. 

What’s a nickname only your family would call you?

My mum calls me Bella, but you might not put this one in: my dad calls me cock. 

Excuse me? Why does your dad call you cock…

It’s a Manchester thing! “You’re alright cock?” It’s funny because all my mates who I’ve met through football, they always ask me, “why does your dad call you cock!” it’s all he’s ever called me! 

Favourite Pepsi MAX flavour. 

Cherry. We love a cherry Pepsi MAX.


London's Observation Point was alight with disbelief a couple of weeks' ago after Ella Toone surprised unsuspecting fans at Pepsi MAX’s first-ever Hidden Pitch on - see video here.

The recently crowed FA Cup winner and Lionesses' midfielder officially kicked off Pepsi MAX’s latest activity in its football campaign ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s a Way’.

The exhilarating Hidden Pitch tour is unlocking footballing enjoyment for fans in locations where they’d least expect it across London, Liverpool and Manchester.

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20 Questions With: Ella Toone

Hot takes with Tooney.

May 31, 2024
Amie Cripps
Words by
Photography by

Introducing VERSUS 20 Questions With... A new interview format asking everyone's favourite players the questions we all desperately want answers to. Kendrick or Drake? F50s or T90s? Have they seen the latest MAFS? What do they think about Shai's latest Tunnel Fit? Where we dropping tonight? It's your favourite players and their take on the culture we live in, right now.

We kicked off the series with Lauren James, so it was only right we followed up with another Lioness and goalscoring clinician, Ella Toone.

The England and Manchester United midfielder ended 23/24 as an FA Cup winner as well as being named the Reds' Player of the Season. It's hard to think of United and not have Tooney come to mind. The lifelong supporter is living out millions of fans' dreams by stepping out onto hallowed ground and scoring screamers at Old Trafford. But like everyone else, Tooney's dream started by kicking a ball at every opportunity she got, which is why Pepsi Max's Hidden Pitches Tour is so important to the UEFA Women's European Champion.

We spoke to Tooney about life lessons, why Ibiza will always be her holiday destination of choice, her wardrobe staples and how Pepsi MAX's Hidden Pitches Tour is encouraging anyone and everyone to pick up a ball.

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VERSUS: What’s the best city in the world?

Ella Toone: Manchester, obviously. 

What’s your favourite piece in your wardrobe atm?

Ooo, at the minute? I mean, the weather isn’t picking up right now but because we’re getting closer to summer, I’m going to go with what I’m wearing today: SACAI x Nike Vaporwaffle in white. 

Yeah, you can’t be wearing those in the winter. 

I do actually wear them all year to be honest! But they definitely look better in the summer. 

What is the Pepsi MAX Hidden Pitches Tour?

It’s about bringing football to unexpected locations, including my hometown in Manchester. The pop-up pitches really brings to life Pepsi’s ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s A Way’ mantra. So long as you’ve got the desire to play, then football can be played anywhere, by anyone. 

The Hidden Pitches Tour is removing barriers to access and encouraging all fans to kick a ball.

Who’s your best friend in football?

My best friend in football has to be Alessia Russo. 

Thought you might have surprised us and said someone else…

No way, I can’t be doing that to Less. 

Favourite stadium to play in.

Can I say two?

Go for it.

Wembley and Old Trafford. 

What song gets you hyped before KO?

At the minute, I’m going to go with George Michael, ‘I Knew You Were Waiting’. Do you know that one?

“I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for meeee!”

That’s the one!

What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

Check my alarm about five times because it panics me thinking that I’ve not set it, when I know that I have…

Have you got a fear of being late?

100%! BIG fear of being late. BIG fear of missing my alarm. 

Favourite video game.

Mmm I don’t really play video games so can I say a board game? 


I’m gonna go with ‘Partners’. 

What’s that?

Oh! Usually, me and Less are partners and we play it with two other people. It’s a bit like ‘Frustration’ - you’ve to work together to get around the board the quickest. 

What is your biggest interest outside of football?

Eating. I love to eat, especially really good food. 

Where’s your favourite place to eat?

There’s an Italian restaurant near me called Casa Nostra. It’s really small and cooks authentic Italian food - it’s gorgeous. 

What’s your order?

Depends what mood I’m in, and this isn’t really Italian haha but medium rare steak, usually with Diane sauce and chips. Done. 

What are you most grateful for?

My family. 

Biggest life lesson.

That’s a hard one but I’ve got a few. I think, maybe my biggest one is: always believe in yourself. 

Favourite dish. 

I love pasta dishes. A creamy and tomatoey pasta of some sort. 

Best holiday or trip. 

Ibiza. What a place that is. 

You’ve been going to Ibiza for years haven’t you? 

I used to go with my nan and grandad every year for two weeks, but those trips were never like the ones I went on last year.

Say no more… 

Say no more. 

What song are you listening to on repeat at the minute?

‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ is a song I play a lot. Like, A LOT. 

What TV show are you locked into?

I just finished that ‘Baby Reindeer’...mad. I absolutely LOVE ‘The 1% Club’ on a Saturday night. I’m really good at it! I might go out on the 90% questions, but I get the final question right…that’s what counts surely? 

Football idol growing up. 


What is your pre-match ritual?

I’ve tried to get rid of loads of things because it was just getting ridiculous. I wear the same underwear, I eat the same pre-match meal: bagels, eggs and a glass of orange juice - no bits. 

No bits?

No bits! And before the whistle blows I shout, “c’mon girls! Straight in!” I do that every single time. It used to be a lot more than that, I used to sing a Yanited chant in the morning too, but that’s when I knew it got too far. 

What’s a nickname only your family would call you?

My mum calls me Bella, but you might not put this one in: my dad calls me cock. 

Excuse me? Why does your dad call you cock…

It’s a Manchester thing! “You’re alright cock?” It’s funny because all my mates who I’ve met through football, they always ask me, “why does your dad call you cock!” it’s all he’s ever called me! 

Favourite Pepsi MAX flavour. 

Cherry. We love a cherry Pepsi MAX.


London's Observation Point was alight with disbelief a couple of weeks' ago after Ella Toone surprised unsuspecting fans at Pepsi MAX’s first-ever Hidden Pitch on - see video here.

The recently crowed FA Cup winner and Lionesses' midfielder officially kicked off Pepsi MAX’s latest activity in its football campaign ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s a Way’.

The exhilarating Hidden Pitch tour is unlocking footballing enjoyment for fans in locations where they’d least expect it across London, Liverpool and Manchester.

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20 Questions With: Ella Toone

Hot takes with Tooney.

Words by
Amie Cripps
May 31, 2024
Photography by
Example of image caption
Image caption goes here

Introducing VERSUS 20 Questions With... A new interview format asking everyone's favourite players the questions we all desperately want answers to. Kendrick or Drake? F50s or T90s? Have they seen the latest MAFS? What do they think about Shai's latest Tunnel Fit? Where we dropping tonight? It's your favourite players and their take on the culture we live in, right now.

We kicked off the series with Lauren James, so it was only right we followed up with another Lioness and goalscoring clinician, Ella Toone.

The England and Manchester United midfielder ended 23/24 as an FA Cup winner as well as being named the Reds' Player of the Season. It's hard to think of United and not have Tooney come to mind. The lifelong supporter is living out millions of fans' dreams by stepping out onto hallowed ground and scoring screamers at Old Trafford. But like everyone else, Tooney's dream started by kicking a ball at every opportunity she got, which is why Pepsi Max's Hidden Pitches Tour is so important to the UEFA Women's European Champion.

We spoke to Tooney about life lessons, why Ibiza will always be her holiday destination of choice, her wardrobe staples and how Pepsi MAX's Hidden Pitches Tour is encouraging anyone and everyone to pick up a ball.

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VERSUS: What’s the best city in the world?

Ella Toone: Manchester, obviously. 

What’s your favourite piece in your wardrobe atm?

Ooo, at the minute? I mean, the weather isn’t picking up right now but because we’re getting closer to summer, I’m going to go with what I’m wearing today: SACAI x Nike Vaporwaffle in white. 

Yeah, you can’t be wearing those in the winter. 

I do actually wear them all year to be honest! But they definitely look better in the summer. 

What is the Pepsi MAX Hidden Pitches Tour?

It’s about bringing football to unexpected locations, including my hometown in Manchester. The pop-up pitches really brings to life Pepsi’s ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s A Way’ mantra. So long as you’ve got the desire to play, then football can be played anywhere, by anyone. 

The Hidden Pitches Tour is removing barriers to access and encouraging all fans to kick a ball.

Who’s your best friend in football?

My best friend in football has to be Alessia Russo. 

Thought you might have surprised us and said someone else…

No way, I can’t be doing that to Less. 

Favourite stadium to play in.

Can I say two?

Go for it.

Wembley and Old Trafford. 

What song gets you hyped before KO?

At the minute, I’m going to go with George Michael, ‘I Knew You Were Waiting’. Do you know that one?

“I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for meeee!”

That’s the one!

What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

Check my alarm about five times because it panics me thinking that I’ve not set it, when I know that I have…

Have you got a fear of being late?

100%! BIG fear of being late. BIG fear of missing my alarm. 

Favourite video game.

Mmm I don’t really play video games so can I say a board game? 


I’m gonna go with ‘Partners’. 

What’s that?

Oh! Usually, me and Less are partners and we play it with two other people. It’s a bit like ‘Frustration’ - you’ve to work together to get around the board the quickest. 

What is your biggest interest outside of football?

Eating. I love to eat, especially really good food. 

Where’s your favourite place to eat?

There’s an Italian restaurant near me called Casa Nostra. It’s really small and cooks authentic Italian food - it’s gorgeous. 

What’s your order?

Depends what mood I’m in, and this isn’t really Italian haha but medium rare steak, usually with Diane sauce and chips. Done. 

What are you most grateful for?

My family. 

Biggest life lesson.

That’s a hard one but I’ve got a few. I think, maybe my biggest one is: always believe in yourself. 

Favourite dish. 

I love pasta dishes. A creamy and tomatoey pasta of some sort. 

Best holiday or trip. 

Ibiza. What a place that is. 

You’ve been going to Ibiza for years haven’t you? 

I used to go with my nan and grandad every year for two weeks, but those trips were never like the ones I went on last year.

Say no more… 

Say no more. 

What song are you listening to on repeat at the minute?

‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ is a song I play a lot. Like, A LOT. 

What TV show are you locked into?

I just finished that ‘Baby Reindeer’...mad. I absolutely LOVE ‘The 1% Club’ on a Saturday night. I’m really good at it! I might go out on the 90% questions, but I get the final question right…that’s what counts surely? 

Football idol growing up. 


What is your pre-match ritual?

I’ve tried to get rid of loads of things because it was just getting ridiculous. I wear the same underwear, I eat the same pre-match meal: bagels, eggs and a glass of orange juice - no bits. 

No bits?

No bits! And before the whistle blows I shout, “c’mon girls! Straight in!” I do that every single time. It used to be a lot more than that, I used to sing a Yanited chant in the morning too, but that’s when I knew it got too far. 

What’s a nickname only your family would call you?

My mum calls me Bella, but you might not put this one in: my dad calls me cock. 

Excuse me? Why does your dad call you cock…

It’s a Manchester thing! “You’re alright cock?” It’s funny because all my mates who I’ve met through football, they always ask me, “why does your dad call you cock!” it’s all he’s ever called me! 

Favourite Pepsi MAX flavour. 

Cherry. We love a cherry Pepsi MAX.


London's Observation Point was alight with disbelief a couple of weeks' ago after Ella Toone surprised unsuspecting fans at Pepsi MAX’s first-ever Hidden Pitch on - see video here.

The recently crowed FA Cup winner and Lionesses' midfielder officially kicked off Pepsi MAX’s latest activity in its football campaign ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s a Way’.

The exhilarating Hidden Pitch tour is unlocking footballing enjoyment for fans in locations where they’d least expect it across London, Liverpool and Manchester.

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20 Questions With: Ella Toone

Hot takes with Tooney.

May 31, 2024
Amie Cripps
Words by
Photography by

Introducing VERSUS 20 Questions With... A new interview format asking everyone's favourite players the questions we all desperately want answers to. Kendrick or Drake? F50s or T90s? Have they seen the latest MAFS? What do they think about Shai's latest Tunnel Fit? Where we dropping tonight? It's your favourite players and their take on the culture we live in, right now.

We kicked off the series with Lauren James, so it was only right we followed up with another Lioness and goalscoring clinician, Ella Toone.

The England and Manchester United midfielder ended 23/24 as an FA Cup winner as well as being named the Reds' Player of the Season. It's hard to think of United and not have Tooney come to mind. The lifelong supporter is living out millions of fans' dreams by stepping out onto hallowed ground and scoring screamers at Old Trafford. But like everyone else, Tooney's dream started by kicking a ball at every opportunity she got, which is why Pepsi Max's Hidden Pitches Tour is so important to the UEFA Women's European Champion.

We spoke to Tooney about life lessons, why Ibiza will always be her holiday destination of choice, her wardrobe staples and how Pepsi MAX's Hidden Pitches Tour is encouraging anyone and everyone to pick up a ball.

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VERSUS: What’s the best city in the world?

Ella Toone: Manchester, obviously. 

What’s your favourite piece in your wardrobe atm?

Ooo, at the minute? I mean, the weather isn’t picking up right now but because we’re getting closer to summer, I’m going to go with what I’m wearing today: SACAI x Nike Vaporwaffle in white. 

Yeah, you can’t be wearing those in the winter. 

I do actually wear them all year to be honest! But they definitely look better in the summer. 

What is the Pepsi MAX Hidden Pitches Tour?

It’s about bringing football to unexpected locations, including my hometown in Manchester. The pop-up pitches really brings to life Pepsi’s ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s A Way’ mantra. So long as you’ve got the desire to play, then football can be played anywhere, by anyone. 

The Hidden Pitches Tour is removing barriers to access and encouraging all fans to kick a ball.

Who’s your best friend in football?

My best friend in football has to be Alessia Russo. 

Thought you might have surprised us and said someone else…

No way, I can’t be doing that to Less. 

Favourite stadium to play in.

Can I say two?

Go for it.

Wembley and Old Trafford. 

What song gets you hyped before KO?

At the minute, I’m going to go with George Michael, ‘I Knew You Were Waiting’. Do you know that one?

“I knew you were waiting, I knew you were waiting for meeee!”

That’s the one!

What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?

Check my alarm about five times because it panics me thinking that I’ve not set it, when I know that I have…

Have you got a fear of being late?

100%! BIG fear of being late. BIG fear of missing my alarm. 

Favourite video game.

Mmm I don’t really play video games so can I say a board game? 


I’m gonna go with ‘Partners’. 

What’s that?

Oh! Usually, me and Less are partners and we play it with two other people. It’s a bit like ‘Frustration’ - you’ve to work together to get around the board the quickest. 

What is your biggest interest outside of football?

Eating. I love to eat, especially really good food. 

Where’s your favourite place to eat?

There’s an Italian restaurant near me called Casa Nostra. It’s really small and cooks authentic Italian food - it’s gorgeous. 

What’s your order?

Depends what mood I’m in, and this isn’t really Italian haha but medium rare steak, usually with Diane sauce and chips. Done. 

What are you most grateful for?

My family. 

Biggest life lesson.

That’s a hard one but I’ve got a few. I think, maybe my biggest one is: always believe in yourself. 

Favourite dish. 

I love pasta dishes. A creamy and tomatoey pasta of some sort. 

Best holiday or trip. 

Ibiza. What a place that is. 

You’ve been going to Ibiza for years haven’t you? 

I used to go with my nan and grandad every year for two weeks, but those trips were never like the ones I went on last year.

Say no more… 

Say no more. 

What song are you listening to on repeat at the minute?

‘Midnight Train to Georgia’ is a song I play a lot. Like, A LOT. 

What TV show are you locked into?

I just finished that ‘Baby Reindeer’...mad. I absolutely LOVE ‘The 1% Club’ on a Saturday night. I’m really good at it! I might go out on the 90% questions, but I get the final question right…that’s what counts surely? 

Football idol growing up. 


What is your pre-match ritual?

I’ve tried to get rid of loads of things because it was just getting ridiculous. I wear the same underwear, I eat the same pre-match meal: bagels, eggs and a glass of orange juice - no bits. 

No bits?

No bits! And before the whistle blows I shout, “c’mon girls! Straight in!” I do that every single time. It used to be a lot more than that, I used to sing a Yanited chant in the morning too, but that’s when I knew it got too far. 

What’s a nickname only your family would call you?

My mum calls me Bella, but you might not put this one in: my dad calls me cock. 

Excuse me? Why does your dad call you cock…

It’s a Manchester thing! “You’re alright cock?” It’s funny because all my mates who I’ve met through football, they always ask me, “why does your dad call you cock!” it’s all he’s ever called me! 

Favourite Pepsi MAX flavour. 

Cherry. We love a cherry Pepsi MAX.


London's Observation Point was alight with disbelief a couple of weeks' ago after Ella Toone surprised unsuspecting fans at Pepsi MAX’s first-ever Hidden Pitch on - see video here.

The recently crowed FA Cup winner and Lionesses' midfielder officially kicked off Pepsi MAX’s latest activity in its football campaign ‘Where There’s a Ball, There’s a Way’.

The exhilarating Hidden Pitch tour is unlocking footballing enjoyment for fans in locations where they’d least expect it across London, Liverpool and Manchester.

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